Adoption: The Making of Me. An Oral History of Adoptee Stories
Two adult adoptees, Sarah Reinhardt and Louise Browne, delve into all things adoption - from their perspectives as adult adoptees.
Each season Sarah and Louise recap a chapter from a book centered on adoption and then interview a guest. Sarah and Louise come out of the 'fog' in real-time through Seasons One and Two and are advocating for change in the adoption industry. They want to give voice to all adoptees. Adoptee stories are needed to reframe the narrative around adoption.
Sarah and Louise, two former business partners who had a successful ice cream truck in Los Angeles, team up again - this time in frank and honest conversations about all things adoption from the adoptee perspective. Both were adopted shortly after birth, but they had very different experiences.
These will be intimate conversations, but also fun - because Sarah and Louise know how to lighten things up and have a good time. They also have an uncanny ability to get to the heart of a subject with anyone who crosses their path - so conversations will take many turns.
Adoption: The Making of Me. An Oral History of Adoptee Stories
Monica: Childhood Trauma Led to Empowerment
Monica Hall is an author, adoptee, and birthmother.
She was born in Canada, adopted by American parents, and raised in Anchorage, Alaska where she spent the first sixteen years of her life and had many of the foundational experiences that drive her writing.
In addition to working as a business consultant, she has founded several successful companies and has worked in advertising and marketing for more than twenty years.
Monica published essays on her website and wrote her memoir to provide others with understanding, courage, and empowerment. She wants readers to realize that no matter the difficulties they face, it’s possible to heal and succeed.
Monica is a speaker, life coach, and mentor. She has three grown children and lives in Sacramento, California.
Practically Still a Virgin will be available in Spring, 2024. Please subscribe to for launch dates and essays.
You can find Monica at:
Personal Facebook
Author Facebook
Also in this episode, Sarah and Louise discuss The Baby Thief by Barbara Bisantz Raymond.
Magic Mind - The World’s First Productivity Shot™
To enter our New York City ATMOM Happy Hour & Operation Foglist + Un-M-Othered Screening taking place on February 2nd & 3rd - go directly to the home page of our website and Subscribe to the Pod.
Note: There will be a cash stipend for airfare and hotels - if you live outside the continental US, you may have to pay additional funds to attend depending upon cost.
Tickets to Operation Fog Lift & Un-M-Othering
Thank you to our sponsor S12F.
Joe Soll & other adoptee resources
Fireside Adoptees Facebook Group
Reckoning with the Primal Wound Documentary
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